6 Ways The Property In A BoxTM
Solution Will Help You To Access & Sell
Off Market & Off the Plan Properties

Access 5000+ Off Market & Off Plan Properties
Accessing 1000’s of development projects & 5000-10,000 new properties provides more instant listings, transactional opportunities & conversational point with your clients. The majority of prospective clients seen by traditional real estate agents typically have the borrowing capacity to transact and are looking to buy a property. Assuming they are looking solely for an established property is mistake made by many traditional real estate agents. By offering both Established & New properties you are moving from the old way of selling traditional real estate to the new.

Most competitive Commissions in Australia Range from $20K to $80k
Historically, these Off Market & Off the Plan properties have NOT been made available to the traditional real estate sector. Typically they are accessible by the ‘Wealth Creation” sector and generally sold to those wanting to pay less tax, pay their mortgage off faster or retire comfortably. Odly enough, it is the wealth creation sector that has generated, on average, the larger commissions. Times have changed. Property In A Box has created a unique model that allows traditional real estate agents to access these properties providing, on average, twice the commission typically earnt via traditional “established property” sales.

Customisable branded Websites with 1000’s of instant property listings

End to End Contract Management and Commission Disbursements.
Contract management on new builds differs to traditional real estate contracts. Our team specialises in the facilitation and management of new build contracts across Australia ensuring a seamless transaction for your client whilst keeping all stakeholders informed every step of the way. This includes ordering contracts, facilitation between buyers and seller’s solicitors, providing updates on build progress including photos, arranging hand-over building inspections, insurances and much more….

Track Your Client’s Property Journey – end to end
Track your client’s entire property journey via the Fusion CRM platform. Log in at any time for updates or simply receive them via email. Monitor your client’s progress throughout the contract process. Offering complete transparency for all stakeholders involved in a sale from registration of interest through to completed build always keeping you in the loop.

Join Our Private Real Estate Professionals Network
Enjoy networking with wealth creation professionals and traditional real estate agents, receive marketing tips and hints from industry experts, learn how to increase sales via those prospective clients attending open for inspections and more…